After a long and interesting residency process, I have finally been awarded Instate in Vermont! YAY!
Now I can start paying off my debt that I've accrued this semester.
"Ah, Lord GOD!" I said, "I know not how to speak; I am too young." (Jeremiah 1:6) Let your light shine through me, though I know how pitiable I am, I also know how great you are, and how beautiful you've made us all. May I be yours always, and may your will be done. Even when I and others think I am too young. I cry out with Samuel, not knowing who is calling, but saying nonetheless, "Here I am." (1 samuel 3:4). "Speak, for your servant is listening." (1 samuel 3:10)
After a long and interesting residency process, I have finally been awarded Instate in Vermont! YAY!
Now I can start paying off my debt that I've accrued this semester.
Representative Robert South, a freshman Democrat from a conservative district, said he reversed his position after 228 of his constituents reached out and urged him to support the override, compared with 198 who urged him to oppose it.
"Obama's support among Catholics has eroded.
According to the Pew Research Center, the percentage of Americans who disapprove of Obama's job performance increased by nine points from February to March.
Among Catholics as a whole, his disapproval rating jumped 14 points. And among white, non-Hispanic Catholics, the figure doubled -- from 20 percent to 41 percent. "
I've got one thing to say. Why were you guys fooled by his rhetoric?