Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Queerness in NYC

So NYC is a bit queer, odd and downright confusing at times.

For example, I've yet to understand if it's noble, pharisaic, virtuous or greedy for a person to ask for change from the collection basket (an occurence that has happened nearly every time I go to mass, and I try to go daily).

I'm slowly catching onto the Street vs. Avenue system, (avenues in Manhattan are N/S and Streets are E/W)... and slowly connecting the random parts that I know of NYC together into one whole mental map.

I missed class again today (Dr.s appointments at the city clinic are long and rarely rarely rarely on time.). But luckily my Prof is cool about it. As for the TB, they're still trying to figure out if I have it (in the meantime the suspicion is that I do, and thus they have me on meds.) They're doing DNA tests on my Sputum... I gots the consumption.

I ate lunch at a bakery north of campus that was okay... not fantastic, but pretty tastey. Their desserts look awesome though.

Last night, I went to Carnival of Dreams with TIA! Yes, a long lost friend from Austin (UT Austin)... it was fun to catch up with her, hangout with her B/F friends, and eat good food! I love the village area, it reminds me of home... and when I say home I don't mean any place that I grew up as much as the home that your heart knows and is always searching for... the eternal Fatherland that we are longing to return.

It's perhaps a bit odd that the village area is so Weird (weird in the good "keep Austin wierd" way) and most likely liberal, but that sense of diversity, life and living is what I suspect makes it feel so comfortable.

Oh and my dinner was an exquisite "live" burger... basically completely uncooked vegan food. Crazy? yes. Delicious? Also yes. The burger was served over a salad instead of a bun, and my dessert was a berry chocolate cake that was gorgeous. (The waitress said reluctantly "it's not live" to which I responded "that's okay.") I also had a Watermelon fancy dietary water whose name I couldn't tell you if I was interrogated for 15hours and then three days more... but I do remember it was something completely overly-intellectual and affected, and it didn't make it taste any less or more like watermelon juice. And with my cake I had a "grain" coffee... it was made of some random non coffee substances like chickory and beets and stuff... it was pretty tastey and akin to coffee.

And I tried to get a PO box, but apparently you need an address to get one... Uhm... Yes?
Anyone else see a prob with this???

I went to Mass today at St. Patricks, and I'm really unimpressed by the cathedral and by the priest who presided the mass... he went through it as if it was a sprint and not something to be cherished and loved. St. Patricks is by far less beautiful than the chruch we have nextdoor to Hunter... St. Vincent Ferrer. Which is a French Gothic styled church... and impressively beautiful.

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