Saturday, January 13, 2007

Photos: Day 18: Lille

There is a fair which I think is part of the cities celebration of Indian culture...

one of my first memories of the city is getting to the train station wondering if i'd remember what Theo looked like, finding out that I did, getting into the car and all of a sudden being in India... With an Indian palace composed of lights

and being surrounded by elephants... How the heck do coincidences like this occur to me... right when I decide to come to a city they decide to have a celebration of India! (Well, I'm actually on the tail end of it, but still!)

There seem to be two primary elements to central Lille... NUMEROUS NUMEROUS shopping malls and stores (I'd swear the whole core city was an enourmous mall)

And interesting, beautiful architectural design... this is for example a highway flying over a park, connected to a mall (right side) and a transportation hub on the left side (Gare Lille?)... all beautifully styled.

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