Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Somewhat settling

I've got my classes squared... Intensive French, Geography of NYC, and Geology/flora/fauna of NYC.


And I have a place that is somewhat stable i.e., I know I can stay for a while.

And I might have TB. YAY!
Okay so that maybe a weird thing to Yay about, but I also Yay'ed about getting a two hour plane delay on our way back from Delhi, after we had already been switched planes and had to take two instead of one to get to Amsterdam (where we were to leave for the US).

Apparently a positive test is " A positive skin test results in a raised bump (induration) at the point of administration" And I have a slight one, and its reddened. Tim doesn't so maybe I do, maybe I dont, I think I do.

Also about the Yay! I figure you might as well thank God for your Crosses, since you're going to get them anyway. :-) And they make you rely more and more on Him! So only good can come from it!

Cancel that... did more research: "Redness alone at the skin test site is a negative reaction meaning you have not been infected with TB bacteria. A firm red bump is a positive reaction to the skin test meaning you have been infected with TB bacteria at some time."

My bump isn't firm.

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