Friday, September 16, 2005


just took a test in my ethical theory class...
I think it went well... the essay was half about Aquinas.

still feeling sickish... can't figure out why, the docs did blood work and xrayed my lungs yesterday, and no infection... so the assumption that I pulled out of the doc (they apparently don't like to diagnose) was that it was my asthma (and I added in my mind, and Allergies)... just really bad asthma and allergies.

had a lot of sleep last night and my body still feels sick... maybe it's AAA, Asthma allergies, anxiety... ;-)

c'est la vie... going back to class...

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

TRUST US! WE'RE DOCTORS! I hope you feel better soon. I'm sorry the doctors aren't listening to you, but at least they tried harder this time. feel better!