Tuesday, November 21, 2006


so i just went through several months of pictures sorting them out and deciding which to post... so now I've narrowed it down to 47 contenders... and will over the next few days decide how to post them... current idea is to make a few "history" posts and one "beauty" post.

But... not doing either tonight :-)

back to multimedia!

so here is my first drawing on my computer... using the tablet feature and a sketch software, this was a quick one, (i.e., a few minutes) of me trying to fig the thing out and I think I like it!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Drunk eyes

Sun, 19 Nov 2006 18:10:20 -0500
So I'm walking around manhattan drunkenly, not because I've had alcohol, but because I just switched from wearing glasses to wearing my contacts. I had been wearing glasses for the last month or so because my contacts had been lost in the mess that's my friend's room. But today I decided to try once more to find them to great avail.
I never realised that glasses distort your vision so much that your eyes have to get used to them.. Anyhow as I'm crossing countless streets on my way to mass, I should probably be more observant.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Crazy computer crud

so I just spent the best part of the day rearranging my purchase, calling the company, and having them call me and I think it's finally over...

In the end of it all, I got a worse warranty than the one that really sold me on the purchase because the one that was really good turned out to be a website error, then that warranty was upgraded due to the fact the worse warranty didn't exist either... but only marginally upgraded and i didn't have to pay the difference in cost, well i did, but I'm getting refunded. yeah that was complex now wasn't it... and trust me the phone calls were even more so. That was the simplified version.

I spent a few hours today calling or waiting on the phone to talk to one of the representatives of the sales or credit department. And I even had my grandma call the company. (Which by the way helped quite a bit).

And now... due to it all my comp may not arrive until monday, because of all the delays, and I paid for 2nd day... because it was supposed to arrive on saturday at the latest...

Tigerdirect.com is the company.
they have really cheap prices, and good reasons for what they do, but too much bureaucracy and too many mistakes! (they are usually rather good, but I've had a few other minor probs with them.)

Newegg.com is by far a smoother experience.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Computer YAY!

I just bought a tablet PC which I should be receiving in 2 days... YAY! The greatest thing about it is that I now have enough frequent flier miles to get FREE FIRST CLASS upgrades on all my domestic flights! And I'll be blogging with picutures more often! And I can handle classwork easier (the most important reason and only reason I really bought it).

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


sometimes when you're defeated, the most courageous thing to do is shrug, admit it and walk away.

And sometimes I wish I was courageous.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I miss kolkata

Its so unsatisfying/painful to go to a bad confessor. The cold business like manner, the standard penance, the "how about a blessing instead". When all you really want is the comfort of the Son of God... His wounded side, torn back, bloodied brow. The compassion that calls the world's a bluff.

How will the world ever be converted without holy priests... Those lovely men called to be in persona Christi?

I'm often selfish in my prayers, not in that I pray for myself, but in that I don't pray nearly as much for others, especially those in most need of my prayers... The leaders of the Church (priests, bishops, archbishops, cardinals, the pope, etc.) and the obvious faces of our Church (religious).

In the meantime I'm going to look for a nice holy confessor, not just convienient ones.

Monday, November 06, 2006

New york rudeness

So people think nyc is rude, unfriendly and cold, but they're far wrong. Nyc is perhaps the singly most polite city ever I've lived. Countless times a day people say excuse me to me, sans sarcasim and with genuine apology. Despite the constant rush and mass of people, and popular acceptance that bumps in crowds happen, people genuinely try there best to be polite.

The nyc of my generation is a new beast, much more cuddly, though noticably bigger and fastly turning into a non-native city, a foreign born first generation cute and cuddly american monster.