Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Mary's and God's Love

When I was visiting Medjugorge,
I heard this story about one of the visionaries

My friend was visiting with the visionary and having a good conversation with a few other friends
when the visonary's child came around
(of 5)
and started acting up and misbehaving
being really annoying and disrespectful
the visionary took no notice of it
until the very worst the child became
at which point she embraced the child
and showered him with kisses
then she asked him "is that better?"
he said no
then he pointed to a few places and said "here"
and she kissed him there
then he went of contentedly
she then said
this is how our Mother treats us
when we misbehave
she showers us with love and graces
(so that we know we are loved)

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