Friday, April 08, 2005

Game ON!!

So my friends and I are playing assassins... 8 of us drew names and then drew weapons... we're playing from friday 1201 am until the last man standing... it'll be great!


Start - 12:01 Friday April 8
-If you are killed give all names to your killer. ( tell that person who is next on your list)
-If you get your own name, then you become freelance and can kill anyone....
NO KILL ZONES - bathroom, class, and the library.
-Weapons - Yogurt, water baloon, sock, tennis ball, whip cream, flipflops (thong), sillystring
-freelance weapon - a loaf of bread
-must carry name/weapon card at all times. (cross name off on card if killed)

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

I don't know if I would like this game...sounds kinda scary! I hope you have fun, though and don't die. :)