Sunday, April 01, 2007


So for the last five weeks we've had a model in my art class... (week 4 we had two and at one point three models) and my teacher has been trying to drill non-dominant hand/negative space painting into our heads... all of the below are non dominant (left handed) unless otherwise stated (to the best of my recollection) and are all displayed in the orientation that I painted them (thus some look upside down, because I painted them upside down.)

week 2

(tools: a spoon and a foam brush)

(dominant hand)

(same pose, non dominant hand)

(Painted with fingers)

(Painted simultaneously with both hands {left hand on left side, right hand on right side}, then each side is touched up with the opposing hand, i.e., the left side of the painting is touched up with the right hand)

(painted without looking at the paper and with a rag)

week 3
I was really really really sick... thought I was going to have to see a doctor... ugh. so I was obviously in bed at home.

week 4
(dominant hand)

(Top right half: non dominant hand painted upside down, Bottom left half: dominant hand painted right side up)

Week 5

(A spoon, a foam brush and a palette knife.)

(dominant hand)

Also, if you can't tell I got bored with doing the same basic thing over and over and over again... so I kept trying to think of new ways to stimulate my tired mind. This past Wednesday I was bored on pose #2 onwards... for the most part.

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