Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Oft-times a haircut means a change in a person...

and sometimes the saying is right.

I made a vow and I cut my hair. Go figure. Acts 18 and Numbers 6 explain a little about the haircut... though its not for the same reasons (perhaps similar, but not exactly).

My hair just after my last shower with it... (I'm wearing a garland because somebody had a birthday at the computer store, and the owner bought everyone, circa 20 people, garlands to celebrate).
The photographer for the event, Renata the Croat. (They aparently don't call themselves Croatian or Croat, but Some word with an 'H'). (She's also on shore leave from the Hospital... they wouldn't let her out because they want to make more money... so she got a day pass...)
The Butcher and Victim... ;-)
Prep work...
The first cut.
The final product.
A proud Sister and Stylist.
A group in awe at the change.

A well deserved meal (it wasn't as good as the Afghani Chicken, but still better than most of the food I've been eating lately).

Oh and Hettie's a Lush.

By the way I grabed a hair band as I was leaving for dinner and had to make a conscious effort to put it down, which didn't work until I argued to myself that my hair was cut and thus didn't need it. Also, I miss the easy access to floss.


Fr.Dennis said...

Holy Cow!!!

That doesn't even look like you.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you're hair's been that short since before high school...it looks good but I have flash backs of you being a pesky little brother every time I look at you with your short hair...it's like your 10 years younger! : )

Anonymous said...

what is your vow about? I never quite understood what NAzarite vows were about, other than extra special closeness to God.