Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Satan's a fool

So I've had much time to see Satan attacking the work of God here in India...

If you ever come here to Kolkata, just come to one of the Adorations or Masses in the Chapel of the Mother House... you'll discover how Satan tries everything he can to disrupt the Sisters and the Volunteers... and you'll also discover that despite his yelling, the Sisters remain focused on God.

The Chapel you see is right next to one of the loudest roads in Kolkata, and hearing someone 10 feet from you who is not yelling is a difficulty that can astonish any visitor. But despite the constant noise (that seems to peak around adoration time and mass time) the Sisters and volunteers pray, without raising their voices, in unison. A task I didn't think possible until I saw it.

Now when I pray, I actually think the room is silent. I barely if ever notice the noise, because of the focus God graces the Chapel with.

Satan also tries various other attacks... though from my experience they're quite unsuccessful in general.

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