Tuesday, September 21, 2004


the thing I like least about college are the first exams in each class... you never know what really to expect, and yet it can still affect your grade greatly. Today I have astronomy... and I have no clue if I'm prepared... I think I might be... but then again, I could be wrong.


Kathleen said...

I know exactly how you feel.

sirhair said...

So I took my test... and it went well, I think... luckily the class sort of reviewed before class time, and the girl behind me helped me with a question I didnt think would be on the test... thankfully... so that was nice. otherwise I think I got at least a B... most likely an A

Kathleen said...

Good job love!

Adrienne said...

You totally made an A! That test was unlike any other I've taken in his classes...I should have reviewed. I normally don't need to except for a quick review the morning of. :S