So I commisioned this shirt...
I had the youth group vote on t-shirt designs several months ago, and this is the design they chose from about 20 designs (I drew it several years ago): (the runner up actually was used for a retreat shirt)
This design is called the Sacred Heart of the Trinity... 13 large rays for the Apostles and Mary (Mary is the largest flame, at the very peak of the circle, to her right is Bartholomew who went North West to Armenia, James the Less who was thrown from the Pinnacle of the Temple, pointing to the Right (east) is Thomas who went to India, then Jude who went to Persia, Simon who went to Arabia and Peter is at the bottom, reminding us of his Crucifixion upside down, and his humility to serve Christ as the Rock of the Church), Next is his brother Andrew who was crucified on his side, then Mathias and Matthew who went to Ethiopia to the south, the Left ray (pointing west) is James the Greater who went to Spain, then Phillip who went northwest to Phrygia(near turkey), and finally John the Beloved next to Mary, and who went north west to Ephesus (in modern Turkey) 33 small rays for the Doctors of the Church, creating a monstrance around the Eucharist (Jesus), that is centered upon the Heart of the Father (White for perfection, and the Center of all as a representation of Him being the origin of all), with three flames representing the Trinity (each flame has two flames inside it representing each of the others)
The left Flame is the Father(white) and represents the order of procession and revelation in History, with the son (gold) proceeding from Him, and the Holy Spirit (beige) proceeding from, and "after" both (technically there is no time difference between the existence of the three persons, as they always were, are and will be). The Right Flame is the Son and tells the story of the Holy Spirit's procession. The son and the father loved each other so much that between them, they created the Holy Spirit. (Order for the flame is Son, Holy Spirit, Father), the Central Flame is the Holy spirit and tells of His Being sent by the Father, who was asked to do so by the Son. (Holy spirit, Father, Son) So at the origin of His revelation to us in History is the Son, and the Spirit always reminds everyone that the Origin of His purpose in History is to center everyone on the pinnacle of Creation, History, and Love, Jesus Christ.
The Crown of Thorns is a living Green, representing the Body and Mystical Body of Christ, and a reminder of the Sacrifice he paid for our salvation. The Crown signifies the focus of all time, the Birth of God as man, and God inviting us into the very center of His life, by becoming members of His Body.
The Crown sits about the Cross, which is inside the Heart of the Father, as it was the Father's plan for salvation before all time... The cross is the constant reminder that God Himself paid for our sins, by His sheer Goodness and eternal love for us.
So… now look at how the t-shirt company interpreted the drawing… and tell me what is immediately evident about the substance of the new drawing versus the old…

needless to say I asked them to stick with my original...
I LOVE your drawing but so fond of the t-shirt company's. The symbolism in yours is amazing! I hope it all works out!
I think that your's is great, Edward. Did you tell them that the original design had specific elements that you didn't want changed?
yeah, I did, I even asked, if the pencil marks would be reproducible on the shirt... but the problem is that I talked to the sales person, and he didnt convey that to the Art department.
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