Friday, September 17, 2004

Why I re-joined the bloggers...

so the last time I had a "blog" there was no such thing as blogs... I had written a program on my unix computer at work to post my journal entries, poetry, art etc... it was actually quite nice and very effective... and customizable to the max... (considering that I wrote the program) I have an "online diary" which is practically the same thing as a blog... though not quite as cool to say... anyhow... and its no where near as easy to access... It's been a while since I updated it, though I just looked at it, and apparently my girlfriend updated it and changed my preferences... (you'll see what I mean) Open Diary Site
I don't know if I'll update this blog ever... I wish I had access to a unix machine.. because then I could revive my webpage... (it was schweet) and then I'd really start posting entries... I miss working on UNIX... :-(

God bless and keep you, (num 6:24-27)

p.s., yah so the answer to the subject of this post is... so I could write on a classmate's blog...


Adrienne said...

You could keep this one up just to write something. And the site isn't pink, like the last one your girlfriend played with.

Thanks for checking out the site and posting. It is rare someone posts and it's nice to see and read.

Adrienne (your classmate)

Kathleen said...

we should find you a UNIX machine!