Wednesday, February 08, 2006


How much can you give before you lose yourself?

the mundane expression of love is something that excites and confuses me...
its a game that goes back and forth, forth and back,
Promises of eternal devotion, promises to try
what happens when you give and no one returns it?
when love consumes you,
and the dawn becomes part of your soul,
the quiet veil lifting slowly
pulling away all mystery that protects
enriches, maintains your soul.
Is it worth it?
the risk of being left naked alone?

I work. the demands of my Lord
makes it hard for me to not.
makes it hard for me to not give my all.
what kind of a man works,
but steals?
how could I get a check for less than my best?
when does the work become master?
when can you relax?

I love my words,
the hidden ones that only three know about
they speak about my soul
they touch my memory
sense, taste, emotion
my words are me
external but essential
if I tell you where they're at
will you rip this part of me away?
how intimate can you be
with friends and strangers?
before you die of heartache?

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