Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Recently I've been called a conservative by people who would label themselves as Liberal... and I take great offense to this!

Conservatism and Liberalism are both perversions of Truth. They take Truth and reduce it to a simple formula that satisfies their own lives, eliminating the eternal challenge of Christ in favour of a simple rubric.

The basic (though simplistic) way of perceiving this is that liberals embrace the new because its new, and reject the old because its old, and conservatives embrace the old because its old, and reject the new because its new. This is not the only way, especially if we believe in Truth.

There is such a thing as being Catholic, which I think can be glimpsed by 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21

20 Do not despise prophetic utterances.
21 Test everything; retain what is good.
This seems a good guide to discern what it means to have a Tradition, we should not despise the new, but we should test it. We should not dispose of the old universally, we should retain the good. Though I usually call this Orthodoxy, Fr. Dennis made a point (though perhaps unintentionally) that we should all be "Catholic" without any prefix. That we should embrace the Church whole heartedly and seek to remain with it's living wisdom at all times.

Seeking to Love God first, and through Him, love His creations, the new and old.

"High Church or Low Church, liberal or conservative, it is too easy for us to drift and to find ourselves based more on the commandments, traditions and conventional wisdom of men rather than the true wisdom and revelation of God." ~~Penitens


Anonymous said...

So hi... Just out of curiosity, who are you? I'm beginning to gather that you are a Catholic and a student. That's about it...
For information exchange, I'm a Protestant and an undergraduate at a a Baptist school.

J. Hutch. said...

Oh and by the by, your writings are astounding. Don't stop.