Wednesday, February 01, 2006

What do I want to do?

What do I want to do for the rest of my life, every day... from dawn to dusk... do I really want to be an architect, a theologian, a philosopher????

Graphic design sounds like a lot of fun... but is it too temporary a product for me? today I'm in tomorrow I'm lost?

Freelance writer sounds interesting... I could write about a variety of things from God to my socks... and it'd be fun... but can I sustain the creativity?

I'm a great speaker... at times at least...

I love God...

What can a guy like me do for the rest of their life...

Everyone else seems settled on the thought of being stuck in the same dead end job for the rest of their lives... why cant I just be different... be a modern generalist who impacts and lives in thousands of different worlds?

the dead end job thing has been done before, and no one became rich, and no one felt terribly rewarded... I don't want to live like a drone... mindless... emotionless... I want to LIVE... something few have ever dared to do in the history of mankind... I want to tell the system to back off, stop trying to destroy my heart, stop trying to tame the life within me... stop trying to change me into your pawn for your safe consumption...

I want to live in a way few have dared. I want to BREATHE!

1 comment:

J. Hutch. said...

I can absolutely relate to you concerning this. Down to the T. Graphic Designer, Writer, Preacher, Teacher, Leader, what am I to do?

While in one of my classes recently, I came to an epiphany. And it is this: The adjectives 'artistic' and 'logical' are both very positive attributes. Why don't we as humans term God as such? Many take Christianity and bits of varying theology, making a mess of their own, yet God is logical, and as such we should try to sustain logic in ourselves as well.

But here is the amazing thing. It is that same God who is the ultimate Creator! Up until Genesis 1:26-27, we hear that God has been creating. Then what does it say in the next two verses? "Let us create man in our image, in our likeness." Praise God, we were created in his likeness; up until that statement all we knew about him was he was creative!

My suggestion is to be creative, and which you have proved on this blog, and the others. Love God, and show it, in ways mankind has not seen. Remember, there is no miracle or story in the Bible that is the same. Nothing is done in mundane fashion. Because that which is in God is creative. Let him be creative in you.