Day ten-- Salzburg
Day ten january 3 2007
went around strazburg today... checked out most of the churches in the downtown area. The architecture is very "Austrian" exactly as I'd imagine it from all the movies I've seen and all the photos I've seen... I was surprised by how I saw it and thought, "yup that's Austrian". It's interesting how Catholic this area seems... they have evening masses in several places, and you actually had to kneel at the altar rail to receive the Eucharist (something I've never experienced). The city is quaint (the hometown of Mozart and the Von Trapps). It was beautiful. Otherwise we pretty much have relaxed quietly at Kuri (Corey)'s home.
We talked about faith and how Medjugorje is a huge blessing to Europe. I wish we had one in the US... {--}903pmAny guesses where you've seen this before...? Hint: VON TRAPP family... Hint #2: Singing.
(I took this with my cell... my camera's batteries were acting up)even the gas stations have great views!
A castle that overlooks (and abutts) the city
The churches are pretty, but almost all of them have a grill up that prevents you from going more than five feet inside.
It's so cold that even the statuary wear blankets (and fountains/etc have temporary buildings around them)
The shopping street... pretty ain't it
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