Saturday, January 13, 2007

Photos: Day 13: Warsaw

Poland is GREY! (and was grey for most if not all my time there!)

Anna, Hetti and I

The first church of many

Communism is rather distinctly ingrained into the architecture throughout the city... especially note the monuments to workers in the form of relief sculpture on the walls... there were several examples in this area, each heroifying a type of worker.

Creative marketing... The movie theatre is slowly taking over bus stops in Warsaw with comfy seats and pink signs.

Restaurant Paris, Texas... How many people know there is a Paris, Texas? Aside from Texans, that is.

Yup that's John Paul. One of two near ubiquitous sights on the streets of Poland...

Old Town in Warsaw, Newly remodeled after that minor disaster that was WW2... also note the black placards memorialising those who pressed for freedoms and thus died under communist martial law.

Old town provided some quaint and beautiful views.

The military serving some delicious soup... YUM! Some sort of sausage soup. It was hot, tastey and I was hungry hungry hungry.

Uhm... I don't remember any story about desert fatigues or commando units at the birth of Christ...

Another beautiful Church (the Military one).

Yup, that's him again...

Perhaps the only "modern" building I was in in warsaw. It made me feel like I was studying back at Iowa State... did I just imply Iowa State was modern? wow... the things I appreciate after the fact!

Yet another gorgeous church. (By the way if you haven't guessed the second most ubiquitous sight on Polish streets is Churches.)

Uhm... speaking of ubiquitous. ;-)

Anna eating veggie food...

There is only one other country I recall having Mirinda... lets see, third world, in Asia, dirty, smelly, noisy, greatly populous... oh yeah India.

A Gift from Mother Russia to the people of Poland... I like to call it Communist Tower. The Poles have some other more reasonable name for it I'm sure.

A sign of things to come... a modern mall/business complex being built.


Zlotych (aka Polish money)

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