Wednesday, January 31, 2007


my cell phone which has been fastly dying over the last few days and which apparently would cost 425$ to replace took a turn today.

starting two days ago the screen has been going wack... the touch screen stopped working two days ago along with most of the colour...

But today I was listening to music and noticed that the screen was different... so i touched it... and the touch screen worked... and the colour was back... so i have hopes that it's getting better... I ordered a screw driver set to clean it out the other day so I should get that soon and the begin surgery... hoping to fix it, and not make it worse by cleaning out the mud. Though it is possible that the mud is what is holding it together...

Ooh and I love the entertainment book... I've saved so much money on food by using coupons... SOO Much... and today when I bought a double bacon cheeseburger from Burgerking (and getting another free) the guys made a mistake making an extra drink, and they gave it to me... right when I was wondering where I could pick up a cheap soda. SCORE!

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