Friday, January 19, 2007

Day Twenty Three... slimy things

Day twenty Three
today I woke up circa 11, ate petit dejeuner, listened to some music and then headed up the mountain to meet Pauline, et. al. at a restaurant to eat lunch (we actually had brought our own lunches, but it was a place I knew, so we could meet). Up the mountain, I met a couple, a ski guide of almost thirty years and a woman who had lived in NYC and spoke pretty good english (I spoke mostly broken french, so it was useful when I couldn't think of or didn't know the word).

I showed up late to dejeuner, but not too late, and we ate, threw some snow around and then they headed up another mountain, and I headed back to town to get a ticket for the train tomorrow.

On my way down, I slipped, fell and ended up half mud. My cell phone convieniently chose this moment to fall out of my pocket, land on the ground my hand was headed to, and was pushed into the soggy earth. When I got up, it had become a mud ball and was looked almost hopeless. A rock had gone through the case, and was thus the first thing I took out. I then sat down, grabbed some grass and proceeded to clean it off over a period of about 30-45 minutes. It's alive and well, though it now will have mud insided it for the near and probably distant future.

After I got down the mountain, I tried to get a ticket at the bus station, but though the train company was open, there was no one present, and after waiting awhile I proceded to the local church and took some time of reflection and rest.

Then I came back and waited for the group to return from skiing... and that's what I'm doing... they just came though (minus Pauline).
I got a ticket to Geneva for tomorrow morning... I wanted one to Lourdes, but it's very very expensive (circa 100e) and the ticket to Geneva is about 10e, and my guess is that a Eurolines bus should cost about 40-50e and hopefully I can catch an overnight one, thus saving me money for sleeping... granted sleeping on a bus is not at all desirable, but it's better than in a station... or not at all...
So I just realised I don't have the addy for the place in Lourdes... Hmm that could promise to be a difficult thing to figure out.
So item #2 for tomorrow is check the internet for the addy...

Tonight we're eating escargots, and I'm quite excited :-) I like trying new foods, and this one is definitely up there on the weird scale, but I figure if a whole country eats this as a delicacy they can't be that wrong on it.
tomorrow promises to be an interesting day.
Another venture into the unknown.

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